
Tips for Hiring a Skip Bin


A renovation, a garden cleanup or a garage de-clutter are a few of the projects that can require skip bin hire. Here are several tips to help you choose the right one. Choosing the Size  Larger skip bins cost more than smaller ones, so it's important to choose the right capacity for your needs. A smaller skip may suit a simple garage declutter, and a large-capacity skip may be appropriate for a kitchen renovation.

6 April 2023

Two Tips To Follow if You’ve Hired a Skip Bin With Doors


Here are a few tips to take note of if your local bin rental company has skip bins with doors available and you're thinking of hiring one. Use traffic cones or chalk to block off the area where the opened doors are located Unless you live alone and the bin will be in a completely unoccupied part of your property, you should use chalk or traffic cones to indicate and block off the area where the doors are positioned when they're open.

27 April 2021

3 Simple Ways to Bring Down the Cost of Skip Bin Hire


When you are working with a tight budget, hiring a skip can seem like an expensive investment. This is especially true if you are carrying out costly renovations or repairs around your home. But your rubbish has to go somewhere. And, if you do your homework, you can actually reduce the cost of your skip bin in several ways. If you are thinking of hiring a skip bin for a renovation or declutter project, you can save money by doing the following three things.

7 April 2020

Excavated Waste Bins: Should You Classify Your Excavated Material as VENM?


If you are performing a construction, landscaping or general property development project, you might need to dispose of excavated waste. This process is particularly important when dealing with steep and uneven land. However, you cannot excavate any material from your land and put it in bins for direct disposal. There are regulations in place to prevent poor disposal of contaminated soil or other unsuitable materials. If you would like to hire excavated waste bins, the material to be disposed must be categorised as VENM or Virgin Excavated Natural Material.

29 August 2017

Which is the Right Mini Skip Bin Size for Your Renovation Project?


A mini skip bin creates an easy way of handling and disposing of waste during a renovation project. However, before going through with the hiring process, it is essential to determine the right bin size for your project. Doing so will ensure that you get the most value from the hire. Read on to find out some of the fundamental factors that should guide you when choosing the right mini skip bin size for your waste disposal needs.

13 September 2016

Tips for improving the appearance of your garden


A lot of homeowners forego garden maintenance throughout the autumn and winter months, largely because they so rarely use their outdoor spaces during these chillier periods. However, with the warmer seasons fast approaching, now is the ideal time to begin whipping your garden back into shape so that it is primed and ready for any upcoming dinner parties and family barbecues. Here are some tips on how to spruce up this part of your property.

31 August 2016

What You Need to Tell the Company before Hiring One of Its Skip Bins


Detailing the contents of your waste is something that may not automatically come to mind when hiring a skip bin, but it is important. Most skip bin hire companies have a list of what you can and cannot put in their skip bins, and should the prohibited items be among the things you need to get rid of, they require full disclosure in order to handle the waste appropriately. While the items that require prior disclosure may vary among different companies, there are some that cut across the board.

29 August 2016